Web comment: The dying art of grammar

The Secret Marketer highlighted a possible generation gap in the importance of good grammar and style in internal and external communications in a recent column. Find the article here www.mwlinks.co.uk/SMGrammar and comment extracts below.

I completely agree that communication is an art. I strongly believe that spelling and grammar are vital to a company’s professionalism, reputation and pride. However, like all arts, communication has many faces and an ever-evolving audience. Knowing when abbreviations and slang are appropriate seems to be key in engaging your audience.

I’m a 26-year-old PR so I’m sure I fall into the ‘younger team member’ bracket but I wholeheartedly agree with you on this. The English language is constantly suffering with the increase of text speak and a lack of attention to detail. I pride myself on my spelling and grammar and encourage others to do the same. By ensuring all internal documents are written and formatted correctly, team members will get into the habit (and practice) of doing the same with external documents. Bad habits are repeated all too often so if everyone takes the time to work a bit smarter, surely it can only benefit the final result.

A reader follows your writing. Presented with an it’s when it should be its, or vice versa, will lead the reader astray. As a high-profit margin customer, I avoid businesses that clearly don’t know the difference between it’s and its.
Michael Lever

Communication is indeed an art. Great art often breaks the rules.
Jason Fitzgerald

I agree. Marketing and creativity rely on a flow of ideas and inspiration but when it comes to putting this into a proposal, you need to stop and take time. A document full of errors highlights unfinished thinking.



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