Announcing the Masters of Marketing Awards


The Festival of Marketing, the award-winning event backed by Marketing Week and Econsultancy, has launched an innovative new set of awards – the Masters of Marketing.

The Masters are about celebrating true mastery in marketing and are based around showcasing the brilliance of the work itself. The awards work is integral to the Festival of Marketing, exposing shortlisted entrants to not only the 3000 marketers that attend the event but the huge global audience of more than 3.8 million touchpoints that our brands achieve collectively each month.

The shortlisted entries will be displayed on site in the unique Festival interactive awards gallery, awards case studies will be featured on the speaker programme and within the bespoke Econsultancy case study database, and shortlisted entries will be profiled in Marketing Week and on Econsultancy.

The Masters bring together the heritage and authority of the Marketing Week Engage Awards and the Econsultancy Digitals, using the Festival environment to create a blockbuster awards that truly reflect the marketing industry of today.

Masters of Marketing awards night

Caroline Jackson Levy, Festival Director, says: “The Masters is a different kind of awards event. We are putting the work at the heart of the Festival where it belongs; gone is the black tie dinner, roast lamb and sequins and in their place, a real opportunity to interrogate, showcase and celebrate the very best of the best.

“After many years of running awards ceremonies, I am very excited that the focus of the Masters is on the work and not merely the trappings of a traditional ceremony.”

Find out more about the Festival of Marketing here and enter the Masters of Marketing awards.


1 Comment

Content marketing must showcase brand values

Steve Hemsley

Content marketing can lose focus on a brand’s core purpose if marketers overemphasise editorial independence and assume their offerings are not interesting enough. Strongly communicated brand values and reflecting customers’ needs should lead to interesting and effective content.


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