Mark Ritson – Brand Communications


Mark Ritson: Replacing ‘digital’ with ‘interactive’ is a mistake

Mark Ritson

The news that adam&eveDDB has dropped the digital designation from all its job titles came as no surprise last week. Despite the prevalence of the D word and the omnipresence of digital planners, digital strategists and digital marketers under every lamp post, nobody in the know ever doubted that the prefix would eventually become an anachronism.

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Mark Ritson: Only integration can wrestle us from our social media obsession

Mark Ritson

Ok, I have to be honest. I had never heard of R3. Apparently in its day job R3 helps companies maximise their agency reviews, remunerations and relationships – hence the name. I have no idea if it is any good at any of those tasks, but it surely has done every marketer a favour with its new report on marketing communications published this week.

Mark Ritson: Advent of the Christmas campaign blitz

Mark Ritson

We’ve never had anything like Superbowl advertising in this country. In the US, the four-hour finale of the American football season is as much about watching the ads as the contest itself. Every American brand aspires to be part of the biggest annual event in marketing.