This quick guide is an abridged version of Econsultancy’s Neurodiversity and Digital Inclusion Best Practice Guide, summarising its most salient points in a snackable guide. It looks at the benefits of considering neurodiversity in the workplace and offers guidance on developing an approach to digital inclusion. It covers:

  • Definitions: What is neurodiversity and how should businesses approach definitions of different neurodivergences in a way that appreciates the individual?
  • Benefits: What potential outcomes are there for businesses that employ people from across the spectrum of neurodiversity?
  • Workplaces: What steps can organisations take to become better places to work for neurodivergent individuals?
  • Accessibility: What are the current standards for accessibility that businesses should bear in mind when developing web content?
  • Digital inclusion: How can organisations develop a whole approach to digital inclusivity that ensures they are meeting the needs of their neurodiverse employees and customers?